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Heineken Bottle Btl 33 CL X 24

193.00 AED
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Type of Beverage: beer
Food Pairing: cocktails
Country: Netherlands
The archetypal lager. Heineken is a super-inoffensive lager with a stronger, bitterer taste than most internationally mass-produced lagers. It's perfectly carbonated, pours a straw yellow colour, with little or no head to speak of. It goes down smoothly when it's ice cold.

Type of Beverage
Food Pairing
Carlsberg Can 50 CL
Corona Btl. 33 Cl.
Corona Btl. 33 Cl. X 24

195.00 AED

Budweiser Can 33 CL
Heineken Can. 33 Cl.
Amstel Light Can 33 CL
Peroni Nastro Azzuro Btl 33 CL
Mecklenburger Pilsener Can 50 CL
Amstel Regular Can 50 CL
Red Horse Can. 50 Cl
Stella Btl. 33 Cl
Stella Btl. 33 Cl X 24

171.00 AED