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Amstel Light Can 33 CL X 24

183.00 AED
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Type of Beverage: beer
Food Pairing: cocktails
Country: Netherlands
Amstel Light beer is a lager beer with less calories, a refreshing taste and a mild bitterness. Founded in 1870, for almost 150 years Amstel has brewed a unique beer for all those people and moments in life so valuable they should be savoured and so good they must be shared.

Type of Beverage
Food Pairing
Carlsberg Can 50 CL
Corona Btl. 33 Cl.
Corona Btl. 33 Cl. X 24

195.00 AED

Budweiser Can 33 CL
Heineken Can. 33 Cl.
Heineken Bottle Btl 33 CL
Peroni Nastro Azzuro Btl 33 CL
Mecklenburger Pilsener Can 50 CL
Amstel Regular Can 50 CL
Red Horse Can. 50 Cl
Stella Btl. 33 Cl
Stella Btl. 33 Cl X 24

171.00 AED